

Lombardy Report 2020

The report of the sustainability policies in Lombardy - since 2017 subject of this Report stated in 16 Goals - this year is inevitably conditioned by the health emergency.

You are therefore led to consider mainly the aspects caused by the consequences of the pandemic, almost diminishing the objective data and the regional planning framework that portrayed the reality before February.

It is fundamentally important to study and add value to the pre-existing elements, proposed by the accurate and extensive statistical analysis, that can direct us to evaluate – both in normal and in emergency conditions – the strong and critical points of our region even considering the national framework.

In line with what has been fulflled in the previous editions of Lombardy report, the 2020 Report intends to submit an update of the path undertaken by Lombardy, region among the most advanced at European level, in terms of development according to the sustainability proposed by Agenda 2030.

The attached file presents the "Positioning and performance of Lombardy: comparison with the 21 OECD-EU countries".

2020 - Lombardy Report - Brief Report

Documento PDF - 2,66 MB